Category Archives: shopping

Shopping in Nairobi

Alas, my time in Kenya is about to end. On Saturday I bid goodbye to Elizabeth and Eldoret and took a matatu to Nairobi. Although I didn’t have to fly out of Nairobi (back to the US) until tomorrow, I wanted to be in Nairobi on Sunday to shop at Yaya Centre’s outdoor market, which only opens on Sundays. Definitely, Nairobi is the place to shop in Kenya, not just for souvenirs or at the Yaya Center market, but for anything and at many outlets — I was impressed with the wide selection of things and the competitive prices in Nairobi compared to those in Eldoret.


The outdoor market at Yaya Centre in Nairobi is a great place to buy souvenirs and gifts. It offers scarves, carvings, dinnerware, wooden bowls and utensils, jewelry, and on and on. This photo doesn't do justice to the market's size, scope, and crowds. I was overwhelmed by the plethora of goods, the clamoring of sellers, and jostling of crowds. In the end I bought only what I came to buy -- a couple of scarves/wraps made out of kikoy cloth.


The kikoy scarves/wraps that I bought at the Yaya Center market look similar to the one in this photo that I've borrowed from a kikoy retailer's website.


I also want to buy a bedspread made out of kikoy cloth, but it is not sold at the Yaya Centre market, so I ventured downtown Nairobi to get one in orange, similar to the one in the photo above.


Nairobi at its best is a modern, clean, and beautiful city.