Category Archives: mutumba shopping

Mutumba Shopping

Mutumba means “used things” in Swahili.

Do you notice in the photos that Kenyans generally wear Western-style clothing, sometimes with branded logos clearly visible? There is a HUGE market for used clothing in Kenya. Mutumba markets are prolific, but I have yet to visit one (I’d love to and try my hand at finding and buying something I can use), because the closest one to Elizabeth’s house is located too far for me to walk to. Also each town/village has a set day of the week that’s market day, and I have yet learned the schedule of the nearby markets. (Not all markets have specific days of operation — for example, the food markets seem to be active everyday.)

Based on what others tell me, Western used goods (clothing, shoes, home furnishings, and other goods) arrive in Kenya in large bales in shipping containers. Wholesale buyers purchase used stuff by the bale at the ports. In other words, when it comes to smaller goods like clothes and shoes, the wholesale buyers don’t really know what are included in the bales. From the ports, the goods progressively move along a chain of sellers and buyers until the stuff ultimately gets to the end consumer at the mutumba market.

I don’t know the price ranges for used goods, particularly clothing, shoes, and other accessories, but the Kenyans report that they prefer to buy used clothes because they are cheaper and last longer because they are of better quality. (I have to admit that I’m disappointed to see Kenyans preferring Western clothing to their traditional ones. But upon inquiring, I’m told there isn’t really a recognizable national garb for Kenyans, except that of the Masai tribe, who continues to hold onto its traditional wear and ways.)

I’m told that once upon a time used clothing was freely given to Kenya from other countries, but now they are sold to Kenya. I’m curious but don’t know how to find out — Exactly how does an article of used clothing move from an American to a Kenyan?


Market day near the town of Iten, Kenya.



New things as well as used are sold at mutumba markets. Notice the stack of mattresses, which tend to be made of foam.



Here, new furniture is displayed for sale.



Imagine trying to find "the perfect dress" at a mutumba market! I suppose in order to enjoy shopping at a mutumba market, one has to have a certain mindset (the go-with-the-flow kind) or a belief in utter synchronicity.